Command line examples

The following command line parameter examples can be executed within these environments:

  • Windows® PSPs:
    • ProLiant Support Pack for Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 v7.90 (BP000323.xml)
    • ProLiant Support Pack for Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 v7.80 (BP000315.xml)
  • Firmware:
    • System ROM
    • Smart Array controller
    • Hard drives
    • iLO
  • Software—later version of:
    • HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition for Windows Server™ 2003 (cp008097.exe)
    • HP System Management Homepage for Windows® (cp008257.exe)
  • HP Smart Update Manager
    • Defined groups: Management Servers—Three servers (Management Server1, Management Server2, Management Server3)

Example 1:

This command line input deploys the latest PSP and firmware components:

hpsum /use_latest /allow_non_bundle_components /silent

Results: All the software components from the 7.90 PSP and firmware components, which HP Smart Update Manager determined needed to be installed, were installed.

Example 2:

Either of the following command line inputs can deploy the previous version of the PSP only and force all the components to be installed:

  • hpsum /f:bundle /softwareonly BP000315.xml
  • hpsum /b BP000315.xml /f:bundle /softwareonly

Results: All the software components from the 7.80 PSP, which HP Smart Update Manager determined needed to be installed, were installed. No firmware was installed.

Example 3:

This command line input deploys firmware:

hpsum /romonly

Results: All the firmware components, which HP Smart Update Manager determined needed to be installed, were installed. No software was installed.

Example 4:

Either of the following command line inputs can deploy two software components:

  • hpsum /f:software cp008097.exe cp008257.exe
  • hpsum /c cp008097.exe /c cp008257.exe /f:software

Results: The two components were installed. No firmware or other software was installed.

Example 5:

Either of the following command line inputs can deploy the latest PSP, later versions of components in the bundle, and firmware to three remote hosts and force all components to be installed:

  • hpsum /group "Management Servers" /current_credential /use_latest /allow_update_to_bundle /allow_non_bundle_components /force:all /override_existing_connection /continue_on_error ServerNotFound /silent /logdir "Management_Server_Files"
  • hpsum /target "Management Server1" /target "Management Server2" /target "Management Server3" /user administrator /passwd letmein /use_latest /allow_update_to_bundle /allow_non_bundle_components /force:all /override_existing_connection /continue_on_error ServerNotFound /silent /logdir "Management_Server_Files"

Results: All the firmware components, software components from the 7.90 PSP, cp008097.exe, and cp008257.exe were installed on Management Server1, Management Server2, and Management Server3.

Command line examples